• 图片信息

  • QJ6800963415
  • 汤德伟
  • 不需要肖像权授权
  • 2230 x 5556 px
  • 福冈塔于1989年3月完工,工期1年零2个月,造价60亿日元,1989年为庆祝建市100周年而召开亚太博览会,为纪念此一盛事而构建,塔高234米,论高度是日本的海滨之最
  • fukuoka tower was completed in march 1989,with a construction period of one year and two months and a cost of 6 billion yen,in 1989,the asia pacific expo was held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the city,it was built to commemorate this grand event,the tower is 234 meters high and is the highest on the coast of japan

