• 图片信息

  • QJ8187320955
  • 靖艾屏
  • 不需要肖像权授权
  • 4032 x 6048 px
  • 陕西西安法门寺合十舍利塔地宫中供奉着释迦牟尼佛化身佛,他的两边,侍立着阿难尊者,迦叶尊者,释迦牟尼佛化身佛身前,有一个舍利宝函,佛祖的真身舍利就存放在这个宝函之中
  • in the underground palace of heshi relic tower of famen temple in xian,shaanxi province,the incarnation of sakyamuni buddha is enshrined,on both sides of him,there are ananda venerable and kaya venerable,in front of the incarnation of sakyamuni buddha,there is a relic treasure letter,in which the real relic of the buddha is stored

