• 图片信息

  • QJ8188755195
  • 汤德伟
  • 不需要肖像权授权
  • 3390 x 5436 px
  • 长崎新地中华街是位于日本长崎县长崎市新地町的一个唐人街,与横滨中华街,神户南京町并列为日本三大中华街,新地中华街的石板路街道两旁有近40家中国餐馆与中国商品店
  • nagasaki shinji zhonghua street is a chinatown located in shinji town,nagasaki city,nagasaki prefecture,japan,it is juxtaposed with yokohama zhonghua street and kobe nanjing town as japan's three major zhonghua streets,there are nearly 40 chinese restaurants and chinese commodity stores on both sides of shibanlu street of shinji zhonghua street

