• 图片信息

  • QJ9128157492
  • 胡维斌
  • 不需要肖像权授权
  • 5472 x 3648 px
  • 新疆双河,3万亩冬小麦施浇返青水,3月14日,新疆兵团第五师双河市八十四团3万亩冬小麦开始施浇返青水,进入三月后,气温回升较快,冬雪已经完全融化,新疆北疆地区的冬小麦开始进入返青阶段,为了确保冬小麦不
  • in order to ensure that the winter wheat of xinjiang shuangshi regiment will not return to xinjiang on march 3,the winter wheat of xinjiang shuangshi regiment will not return to the green river,in order to ensure that the winter wheat of xinjiang will return to xinjiang on march 3,in order to ensure that the winter wheat of xinjiang will not return to the green river completely,the winter wheat of xinjiang shuangshi regiment will return to xinjiang on march 3


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